Current bankroll (10/14/2006):   $414

Sitting on the sidelines to see how this absurd new law pans out.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

New Computer Gear

I haven't done any research lately to see how online poker is fairing since the law went into effect. I've been so buzy with other things going on that I haven't really thought about poker at all. It's amazing how as soon as you stop doing something that is taking a decent amount of your time, other things seem to fill the gap pretty quickly.

Since I'm not really sure when I'll start playing again, and when I do I can always start a new bankroll, I bought a 22" widescreen LCD monitor (Samsung 225BW) with part of my poker winnings:

Too bad I didn't have it when I was playing poker. At the native resolution of 1680x1050, you could easily play 4 screens with no overlap. I found that although my overall winrate dropped a bit, my winnings per session went up when I multi-screened, and I was clearing bonuses faster. Depending on what's going on in the poker world today, this may or may not matter.

Also, my wife bought me a 15.4" widescreen Compaq laptop for Christmas. Combined with the new monitor, I could be a poker playing fool. Or maybe more of a poker playing fool. In any case...

While I'm talking computer gear, I stumbled upon a nice article that tells how to clean spyware from a computer. Since I'm always downloading new tools and gadgets, fighting spyware seems to be a losing battle. If you find that your computer isn't running as fast as it used to, you might want to check this out.


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