Sitting on the sidelines to see how this absurd new law pans out.
Home Game Results
I haven't played any limit poker yet this weekend, but I did play at another home game. These guys aren't that serious about the game, so there are always less players in the second tournament than are in the first one. One of them really enjoys bluffing, but last night he'd river what he needed when it mattered.
I lost the first game but broke even for the night when I came in second place in the second game. It was interesting in that I was very short-stacked and in last place early in the tournament. Although I never lost the honor of short stack at the table, the big stack kept putting the others out. The few times that I felt like I had to play (or get blinded out), I'd win and double or triple up.
Near the end of the tournament, I was in the big blind and only had enough chips for both the big blind and the small blind the next hand. The player on the button thought I was going to go all-in, so she did as well. I guess she didn't want the other player in, but he had her covered and called. When I folded, he put her out, I was shocked that I made it to second place.
I'll probably play some poker online this weekend, so I'll post the results tomorrow night.
I posted a few more pictures to my photography gallery today. If you haven't had a chance to visit, here's a sample:
The Paradise Poker saga continues
Results: 2 hours played; up $13
It's been a long time since I posted anything, but I haven't been playing as much limit poker as I should be playing to reach my goal. Instead, I've been playing small limit tournaments on Poker Stars, in live tournaments in the local casinos, and in home games. I'm even on Stars, but down quite a bit from the casinos (probably close to break-even overall counting the home games).
Over the weekend and again this evening, I did play some on
Paradise Poker in an attempt to start hacking away at the bonus there. It's been much easier to play the limit tables after playing in some big money (to me at least) tournaments. The bad beats don't sting quite as bad when it's only a couple dollars on the line.
I'd forgotten just how loose the games are on
Paradise. I've two-tabling the $.50/$1 games, and it seems like there's always someone calling down to the river hoping that his pair of fours will hold up to win the pot. I've tightened up quite a bit pre-flop and have started really betting aggressively when I have an edge. Of course I still get the occasional bad beat, but all that really does is cause bigger swings in the bankroll. It's still trending up, so eventually I'll hit my goal.