Current bankroll (10/14/2006):   $414

Sitting on the sidelines to see how this absurd new law pans out.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Winning at Small Stakes Hold 'em

I've been playing Texas Hold 'em at Sporting Bet for two weeks now. I started with a $100 deposit and have been playing $.25/$.50 up to $1/$2 limit poker tables. Slansky's book has really made a difference in my skill level (I'm half way through it), although as mentioned before, this is an extremely loose site overall.

Since I can't use Poker Tracker on Sporting Bet's Poker site, I'll have to approximate some of the stats. After the first 100 hands, my bankroll was up to $120. Adding the first $30 bonus that released brought it up to $150. Once I reached the $175 mark, I started playing some of the higher limit tables.

The bankroll's currently up to $233, but I don't know how many hands I've played. The 500 hand bonus is still in my account, so when it clears, I'll get an additional $70. In the next update I'll give some examples of the type of play you can expect at Sporting Bet. I love it!

My only complaint about the site is that it's sometimes hard to find a table at the limits I want with an opening. I can usually find a no-limit table, but Slansky recommends that you stick to limit tables to maximize profit. I think I'll continue to follow his recommendations.


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